Class 5-A1 - 2nd Semester - Week 1

 Image result for reading street red kayak

□1. READING STREET 5.1 -  Red Kayak Unit 1 p 18
□3.                      Winter Vacation                                                                    

□1. READING STREET 5.1 -  Red Kayak Unit 1 p 18
2.  Vocabulary / Sentences 1 - 15 
□3.     write  15 Vocab words 3x, Chinese, definition in your A writing-book    
            Pick 5 words and write 5 sentences
□4.     READING STREET NOTEBOOK - 42,44                             

□5.   Introduce New Story

□1   READING STREET 5.1 -  Red Kayak Unit 1 p 18
□2. Science - Volcano
□5.  Experience Class  - Winter Vacation Homework presentation

□1. READING STREET 5.1 -  Red Kayak Unit 1 p 18
2.  Vocabulary / Sentences 16 - 30 
□3.     write  15 Vocab words 3x, Chinese, definition in your A writing-book       
□4.     Pick 5 words and write 5 sentences     
□5.  READING STREET 5.1 -  Online Assignments
□6.   Worksheet

□1. READING STREET 5.1 -  Red Kayak Unit 1 p 18
□3. Spelling Quiz 
□4. Weekend Journal 
□5. SENSAY online homework - login and practice - get the highest score you can

Week 1 – The Red Kayak
1) intentionally: on purpose; with awareness of what one is doing
2) insistently: in a persistent and urgent way
3) grumbled: complained in a bad-tempered way
4) compressions: short applications of pressure 
5) minute: a period of time equal to sixty seconds
6) neutral: a position of gears in which no motion goes from an engine to other working parts
7) normally: usually; in a normal way 
8) distance: the amount of space between two points, lines, surfaces, or objects
9) petals: any of the usually brightly colored parts that together form most of a flower
10) admire: to feel respect and approval for (someone or something)
11) shuttle:  a going back and forth regularly over an often-short route by a vehicle
12) method: a particular way or procedure of doing something
13) enjoy: to have a good time
14) comedy: a film, play, or book that is purposefully funny
15) advance: (v.) to move forward in a purposeful way; (adj.) done, sent, or supplied beforehand
16) anger: a strong feeling of displeasure
17) perhaps: possibly but not certainly
18) husband: a male partner in a marriage
19) drummer: one that plays a drum
20) problem: something that needs to be solved or fixed; a question raised for consideration or solution
21) figure: a number symbol 
22) tissue: a piece of soft absorbent paper used for cleaning, especially your nose
23) regular: usual or ordinary
24) butter: a soft, yellow spread made from milk or cream, used in cooking or on food
25) channel: a naturally formed, narrow waterway
26) mustard: a yellow or brown paste made from seeds that is used as a sauce for food
27) denim: a strong, blue fabric, often used to make jeans and jackets
28) lard: a white substance made from pig fat and used in cooking
29) technique: a way of doing an activity that needs skill
30) canal: a human-made waterway for travel, shipping, or irrigation


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